Editor's review
Capture webcams, streaming video, full screen, part of the screen and even video with sound. Use Webcam Video Capture to make people witness what you want to convey through an audio-visual medium.
Features: This application lets you capture your screen into a video screen. So, if it is a webcam playing or an animated screen of an application, streaming videos playing full screen or a part of your screen it is as easy to capture. So this could be a good tool for creating a video that promotes your product, makes an application familiar to an audience or a training video etc. Anything that you want to convey through an audio-visual medium is what you create. There are times when sharing exactly what you see on your screen is an easy way to communicate.
You can capture application windows too in part of the screen or in full screen and show off the product features or create an animated set of screens that shows how to operate it. Thus a product promotion or a how to video of the products is as easy to make and distribute. AVI and the WMV formats are supported for the output video. You can add an audio narration to the video clip. This could even be a video of your website navigation.
Overall: Simple and easy to use screen capture program that produces a video clip for you.
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